IL Conjunction adverbs: 3 Conjunction adverbsExercise 3Choose the correct adverbial conjunctions and fill in the blanks. Enter your email 1. My parents and I wanted to go for a walk; , it started to rain so we stayed at home. (however, nevertheless, otherwise) 2. He has studied Polish since December 2000; , he still has some difficulties in communicating. (as a result, therefore, nevertheless) 3. I was very tired. , I went to bed. (on the other hand, therefore, as a result) 4. Monica helped me in my bad situation. She is my friend. ( In contrast, consequently, therefore) 5. He is a very stupid man; , his brother is very clever. (hence, therefore, on the other hand) 6. The boy hadn't seen his sister since 1980; , he recognized her immediately when he saw her. (hence, still, consequently) 7. This is Paul. He's my husband's friend, than mine. (besides, rather, as a result) 8. Ted is very good at Maths; he isn't very good at Polish. (on the contrary, moreover, besides) 9. The weather wasn't nice. It rained very hard; , the game was cancelled. (as a result, since, however) 10. Yesterday Silvia was ill and should have stayed home; , she went to school. (nonetheless, since, besides) Time's up