Bl-Professions Exercise-2 ProfessionsExercise 2Use the options given below to fill in the blanks.Options: plumber, painter, engineer, waiter, baker, teacher, mechanic, delivery boys, artist, shopkeeper. Your Email 1. A man who serves customers at their tables in a restaurant is a . 2. One who fits and repairs water pipes and toilets is a . 3. One who designs and builds roads, bridges, etc is a . 4. One who paints buildings and walls is a . 5. One who repairs the engines of vehicles is a . 6. One who owns or manages a small shop is a . 7. People who bring what you buy to your doorstep are . 8. One who teaches in a school is a . 9. One who bakes and sells food is a . 10. One who creates artworks like paintings and drawings is an . Time’s up1 2 3 Basic level Intermediate level Advanced level