Business English ex-1


Fill the blank spaces with the correct word used while giving a business presentation.

1. At the beginning of your presentation you can say, ''I'm going to __ about...''

2. You can also say, ''I'm going to give you some __ and figures.''

3. When you go to the next part in your presentation, you can say: ''I'd now like to __ on to...''

4. When you talk about a graph (or other figure / diagram) you can say, ''This graph __ you...''

5. If you want to show that one thing is directly linked to the next thing, you can say, ''This __ me to my next point''.

6. When you want to show that you have finished your presentation, you can say, ''That __ me to the end of my presentation or That   
     ____________ my presentation.                               

7. You can then say, ''Thank you for __''

8. If you want to invite people to ask you questions, you can say ''Please feel __ to ask questions.''

9. After you reply to a question, you can say ''Does this __ your question?''

10. If you want to repeat, clarify or say something in a different way (perhaps because someone didn't understand you when you gave an
       answer) you can say, ''__ another way...''