Conversational English

Conversational English

Make new friends. Make business relationships.

          Regular speaking for 30 minutes with our professors will help you speak from base level to intermediate level. There are variety of conversational topics you can choose to speak. For other languages speakers there is a great support with picture vocabulary that is  translated in their languages.

Just 30 minutes practice with our professors will help you improve your English to a convincing level. 

In many countries where English is a second language people often look for someone to speak with and maintain their level or keep themselves in practice.

This program provides you a regular opportunity to get connected with other students of SE-Connects Global or the professor and share your opinion or engage in a conference and group discussions online.

The activities are as follows:

Speaking at restaurant


Reserving Hotel room

Speaking on phone general conversation

About kids

Discussing a movie

Sharing recipes

Voila! Around hundred topics