Used to and didn’t use to-2 Exercise- 2Complete the following sentences about how things used to be 50 years ago. Fill is the gaps with the correct form of used to and the words in brackets. 1. Not too many people live in the cities.2. Salaries be much lower.3. People (not) buy so much stuff.4. People (not) get divorced.5. People (not) eat so much processed food; their diet was healthier.6. People have more children and at a younger age.7. People (not) travel so often, or they just didn’t travel at all.8. People write letters because they didn’t have computers.9. People (not) live together before getting married.10. Families be closer and more connected than they are today. Your Email Your Name Mobile number with country code Age Student Profession Time’s up1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Basic level Intermediate level Advanced level