Put vs Keep exercise-1


  • Keep is to place something for a long time or permanent position.
  • Put is to place something temporarily.
  • Keep also means to place something on the surface a shelve or a table whereas put can be inside something casually.

Example: “Put some sugar in the cup, then keep the cup on the shelf”.

  • Keep also means to maintain something.
  • Both keep and put are verbs but keep has 3 forms as keep, kept and kept. Put has all three forms same as put, put and put

Put vs Keep

Exercise 1

Choose the appropriate words for following sentences:-


the books on that table.(Put/Keep)


We   the album in the closet. (keep/put)


Do you   a diary? (keep/put)


Please   the windows open. (put/keep)


I   my keys in the drawer. (put/keep)