IL Conjunction adverbs: 1 Conjunction adverbsExercise 1Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunctive adverb (transitional adverb). Enter your email 1. Vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and antioxidants and __________ eating vegetables are essential for good health. since as hence None 2. The last bus has gone. __________, we are going to have to walk. Therefore As Then None 3. __________ the starter, I thought the meal was nice. Apart form Besides In addition None 4. I bought that car. It looked good and, __________, it was reasonably priced. besides moreover None 5. Studies seem to suggest that bright blue and bright yellow are the most visible and __________ the safest colors for vehicles. therefore also None 6. You had better mend your ways; __________, you will land in serious trouble. hense otherwise None 7. She didn’t leave her husband __________ the fact that he had cheated on her. however although despite None 8. __________ each individual is unique in many ways; members of the same species share many common characteristics. Despite Although However None 9. They have recruited more people and __________ the service has improved. as result as consequence consequently None 10. I was not confident of winning. __________, I decided to give it a try. So Nevertheless Although None Time's up