Reading stories 9

9. The clever thief


Dev was a clever thief.

He robbed the rich and gave all to the sick and needy.

The other thieves were jealous of him.

They planned to get rid of him.

They challenged him to steal king’s pyjamas. (the night suit)

Dev accepted the challenge.

After that he prepared to execute the new challenge .

He charted out a plan to steal the king’s pyjamas.

He prepared himself mentally to carry out a plan.

He went to the king’s palace.

He found the king sleeping.

He opened a bottle of red ants on  the bed .

The king was badly bitten.

He cried for help.

The servants rushed in.

They pretended to look for ants.

Dev removed the King’s pyjamas and escaped.

Other thieves were dumb.


Finally, they accepted Dev, as their leader.

Moral:- “Be clever”