Basic level 3 reading comprehension #6

The Bragging Monkey

Once a little monkey said to a duck.

             “Show me your ears.”

         The duck laughed and said,

         “Show me your bills.”


The little monkey said to a cow,

“Show me your hands.”

The cow laughed and said,

   “Show me your horns.”


   The little monkey said to a butterfly,

             “Show me your toes.” 

     The butterfly laughed and said,

            “Show me your wings.”


   The little monkey said to an elephant,

            “Show me your thumb.” 

     The elephant laughed and said,

             “Show me your trunk.”



little m3
little m9
little m6
lirrle m13

QI. Write the correct words in the dashes given below.

1. A butterfly has  .

2. A cow has .

3. An elephant has a .

4. A duck has a .

4. A monkey has .

QII. Match the columns A with column B and write the letters of column B in the column C.

COLUMN A                                              COLUMN C                       COLUMN B

1. "Show me your horns.”                           a.   Duck

2. “Show me your trunk.”                            b. Butterfly

3. “Show me your bill."                                c.  Cow

4. "Show me your wings.”                           d. Elephant