Level 2 reading comprehension-6

6. Tox the fox


    One day, Tox the fox, went for a walk. His dad told him to stay on the road and also told him to not to go in the forest.

Tox did not listen to his dad. He went into the forest and got lost. Tox did not know the way t0 his home.

So he sat on the log and began to cry. 

Then Tox heard dad  calling his name. “OH dad has come! I am here dad”, he screamed out.

I was very happy to see dad.  They both went home.


I. Question and answers

1. Who is Tox?

2. Who found the fox?


II. Write the past form of the following

1. go         

2. tell         


3. know     


4. begin   

5. hear     

6. find